
I have Awoken!

My name is Steve.

I have no earthly Teachers or Masters.

My soul is my only Teacher and Master!

"This platform is evolving alongside my spiritual journey, becoming a dynamic space where I document and share the profound insights and transformative experiences that shape my path. Join me on this enriching voyage of self-discovery and spiritual growth as we explore the depths of consciousness together."

"My convictions transcend the contemporary and eschew the 'new age,' reaching back to an epoch so ancient that its echoes have faded from our collective memory. In embracing the wisdom of a forgotten era, my beliefs resonate with a timeless essence, offering a profound connection to a heritage we have long overlooked."

"They fear love because it creates a world they can't control." - George Orwell

"No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell."- Carl Gustav Jung

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.” - Henry David Thoreau

"Alice says: "Do you think I've gone 'round the bend?"
     Alice's father tells her: "I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.""
-from the 2010 film "Alice in Wonderland" directed by Tim Burton

This universe is your universe.

We are all too aware we are living in a world that is akin to what George Orwell warned us about in his book 1984. but more frightening is the warning to our society by Aldous Huxley.

"Brave New World," written by Aldous Huxley, is a dystopian novel that explores the consequences of a society obsessed with pleasure, technological control, and conformity. Set in a future world where advanced technology and genetic engineering have created a seemingly perfect, yet soulless, civilization, the story follows characters grappling with the loss of individuality and spiritual depth in exchange for a utopian facade. Huxley's masterpiece serves as a cautionary tale, inviting readers to reflect on the potential pitfalls of sacrificing spiritual awareness and human connection for a society driven by superficial pleasures and mass conformity. Through its thought-provoking narrative, "Brave New World" challenges us to consider the importance of preserving our spiritual essence in the face of technological advancement and societal pressures.


"Without forgiveness you can never go on to greatness"


The Power of Forgiveness: Healing Hearts and Nurturing Relationships


“You must love yourself before you are truly able to love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are, your simple presence can make others happy.”

"At the core of meaningful connections and genuine relationships lies the profound truth that you must first cultivate a deep sense of love and acceptance for yourself. Loving yourself is not just a prerequisite; it is the foundation upon which authentic connections are built. When you embrace and fully accept who you are, flaws and all, you unlock the transformative power of self-love.


The world is a Wonderful Place, the universe is even better.

If you spend your time chasing butterflies, they’ll fly away. But if you spend time making a beautiful garden, the butterflies will come to you.

when you focus on improving your self every thing you want will come to you.

We attract based on who we are not what we want.




There is no such thing as to be lucky or unlucky.

A wise man once said to me "The harder I work the luckier I get"

We don't achieve anything by luck but we have to manifest them.

Luck: By Chance or By Design

Luck: By Chance or By Design Luck is a fascinating aspect of life that has intrigued humanity for centuries. Some believe that luck is purely a matter of chance, a random roll of the cosmic dice, while others argue that luck can be intentionally designed and influenced. This age-old debate offers us insights into our beliefs, attitudes, and actions in the face of uncertainty.

Luck by Chance: "By Chance" proponents argue that luck is entirely random. They believe that life's events, both good and bad, occur without any predictable pattern or design. From winning a lottery to encountering unexpected hardships, it's all a result of random probability. This perspective encourages us to embrace the unpredictability of life and to appreciate the moments of serendipity that can bring joy or challenge.

Luck by Design: On the other hand, "By Design" believers assert that we can shape our own luck to some extent. They argue that through our choices, attitudes, and behaviors, we can increase our odds of success, happiness, and positive outcomes. Strategies like setting goals, cultivating positive thinking, and being prepared can, in their view, help create the conditions for good luck to flourish.

Finding Balance: The truth likely lies somewhere in between these two extremes. While we can't control every aspect of our lives, we can influence some outcomes through our decisions and actions. Recognizing when to embrace the randomness of life and when to actively shape our destiny is a key skill. So, whether you see luck as a roll of the dice or a canvas waiting for your creative strokes, the concept of "Luck: By Chance or By Design" invites you to explore the mysteries of fortune and misfortune and to reflect on how you navigate life's unpredictable journey.

Join us as we delve deeper into this thought-provoking topic and discover practical tips and insights to make the most of the luck that comes your way, whatever your beliefs may be.

This explanation can serve as an introduction to a series of articles, discussions, or content related to luck, chance, and intentionality, providing your website visitors with a thought-provoking and engaging perspective on this intriguing topic.


How to have everything you desire through Manifestation 

In a world filled with uncertainties, the concept of manifestation has gained popularity as a powerful tool for achieving one's desires. The idea behind manifestation is rooted in the belief that our thoughts and energy have the potential to shape our reality. By harnessing the power of positive thinking and intention, individuals can attract the things they want into their lives. In this article, we will explore the principles of manifestation and provide practical tips on how to manifest your dreams and goals.

Understanding Manifestation:

Manifestation is based on the law of attraction, a universal principle that suggests like attracts like. In simple terms, the energy you emit into the world, whether positive or negative, will attract similar energies. Manifestation involves focusing your thoughts, emotions, and actions on the outcomes you desire, thereby influencing the universe to bring those desires into reality.

Steps to Manifestation:

  1. Clarify Your Desires: To manifest effectively, you must have a clear understanding of what you want. Take the time to reflect on your goals and aspirations. Write them down, be specific, and visualize the outcomes as vividly as possible. This clarity sends a powerful message to the universe about your intentions.

  2. Positive Affirmations: Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Affirmations are concise, positive statements that reinforce your beliefs and aspirations. Repeat these affirmations daily to program your subconscious mind and align your thoughts with your desires.

  3. Visualization Techniques: Visualization is a potent tool in manifestation. Create a mental image of yourself already living the life you desire. Visualize the details, immerse yourself in the experience, and feel the emotions associated with achieving your goals. This practice strengthens your belief in the possibility of your desires becoming a reality.

  4. Maintain Positive Energy: Surround yourself with positivity. Cultivate a positive mindset, engage in activities that bring you joy, and distance yourself from negativity. By maintaining a high vibrational frequency, you attract similar positive energies that support the manifestation process.

  5. Set Realistic Goals: While it's important to dream big, setting realistic and achievable goals is crucial for successful manifestation. Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps. Celebrate small victories along the way, reinforcing the belief that you are moving closer to your ultimate desires.

  6. Practice Gratitude: Express gratitude for what you have in the present moment. Gratitude attracts more positive energy and signals to the universe that you appreciate the abundance in your life. A grateful heart is more receptive to manifestation.

  7. Take Inspired Action: Manifestation is not about wishful thinking alone; it requires taking inspired action towards your goals. Identify steps you can take to bring your desires into reality and consistently work towards them. Action reinforces your commitment and determination.


The power of manifestation lies within your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. By consciously directing your energy towards your desires, you can influence the course of your life. Remember that manifestation is an ongoing process, requiring patience, consistency, and a genuine belief in the possibilities that lie ahead. Embrace the journey, stay positive, and watch as the universe aligns to bring your dreams to fruition.


Biocentrism: Exploring the Universe Through Life's Perspective

Biocentrism is a fascinating and thought-provoking philosophical framework that challenges our conventional understanding of the universe. At its core, biocentrism places life and consciousness at the center of the cosmos, suggesting that the universe's existence and properties are intimately connected to the presence of living beings.

In contrast to anthropocentrism, which places humanity at the forefront of the universe's significance, biocentrism argues that all life forms, from the simplest microbes to the most complex sentient beings, play an essential role in shaping the cosmos. This perspective invites us to reconsider our relationship with the natural world and to recognize the profound interconnectedness between all living entities and the universe itself.

The key principles of biocentrism include:

  1.  Life as the Fundamental Element: Biocentrism posits that life is not a byproduct of the universe; rather, the universe is a product of life. It suggests that the existence of the cosmos is intrinsically tied to the presence of life and consciousness.
  2. Consciousness as a Cosmic Force: Biocentrism proposes that consciousness is not confined to individual organisms but is an inherent aspect of the universe. It suggests that the universe is conscious in some way, and that the act of observation by living beings influences reality itself.
  3. Interconnectedness and Unity: This perspective emphasizes the interconnectedness of all life forms and their shared impact on the universe. It underscores the idea that every living entity contributes to the evolving, interconnected tapestry of existence.


By adopting a biocentric worldview, individuals are encouraged to recognize the profound implications this philosophy has on how we relate to the environment, fellow species, and the cosmos as a whole. It challenges us to reconsider our ethical and ecological responsibilities, promoting a deeper sense of respect and care for the natural world.


"Being Somewhere in Life Where You Don't Want to Be"

Life is a journey, and often, that journey can take us to places we never intended or desired to be. This concept is a universal experience that resonates with people from all walks of life. Whether you're going through a difficult period, facing unexpected challenges, or simply feeling unfulfilled, there's a shared understanding of what it means to find oneself in a place in life that doesn't align with your dreams and aspirations.

The experience of being somewhere in life where you don't want to be can be likened to navigating uncharted waters or finding yourself on an unexpected detour. It might manifest in various ways, such as:

  1. Career Dissatisfaction: Feeling stuck in a job that doesn't fulfill you or pursuing a career path that doesn't align with your passions and aspirations.
  2. Relationship Struggles: Being in a relationship that no longer brings you joy or feeling isolated in your social circles.
  3. Personal Growth Plateaus: Sensing that you're not progressing as you'd like in terms of personal development, skills, or knowledge.
  4. Health and Well-being: Struggling with physical or mental health challenges that hinder your overall well-being.
  5. Financial Concerns: Facing financial constraints or instability that limit your choices and opportunities.

The important thing to remember is that being in this place is not a permanent destination but a part of the larger journey. It's an opportunity for growth, self-reflection, and change. Acknowledging where you are is the first step in charting a new course.

On my website, you can explore this concept further by offering insights, resources, and inspiration to help visitors navigate through these challenging moments in life. Share stories of individuals who've successfully turned their lives around or provide practical advice on how to start making changes and working toward a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life. Encourage self-compassion and the belief that even in the most unexpected places in life, one can find the path to where they truly want to be.


Letting Go for Self-Healing

In life, we sometimes face incredibly difficult decisions that are not easy to understand at the time. One of the most profound experiences I've had was having to let go of someone with the most beautiful soul. It was a decision that cut me to the core, and at the time, I couldn't fully comprehend why I had to do it.

Sometimes, we find ourselves in relationships or situations that, despite their beauty and goodness, may not be in alignment with our own well-being and personal growth. It's a painful paradox, but prioritizing our own healing and self-discovery can sometimes mean making the agonizing choice to let go of something or someone we cherish deeply.

For me, the decision to let go of this beautiful soul was not about their worth or the love we shared, but about my own journey towards healing and self-discovery. It was a challenging path, one that required introspection and self-compassion. I had to learn to put myself first, not out of selfishness, but out of a deep desire to become the best version of myself, for both me and those around me.

In retrospect, I realized that my decision to let go was a necessary step in my healing process. It allowed me to find the strength within to address my own wounds and cultivate the self-love I needed to thrive. It wasn't easy, and it often left me questioning my choices. But in the end, it was a transformative journey that has helped me grow as an individual.

The lesson I've learned through this experience is that sometimes, the most beautiful souls come into our lives to teach us valuable lessons, and one of the most profound lessons is the importance of self-love and healing. It's a journey that continues to evolve, but I'm grateful for the clarity it has brought me.

Remember, letting go doesn't diminish the beauty of what once was. Instead, it paves the way for new chapters, new connections, and most importantly, a healthier, more authentic relationship with yourself. I share this personal story on my website not as an easy answer, but as a testament to the strength and courage it takes to prioritize our own well-being, even when it means letting go of the most beautiful souls in our lives.

Thank you for visiting my website, and for being a part of my journey. I hope that by sharing my experiences, we can all find the inspiration and support we need to embrace our own paths of healing and self-discovery.


From the Abyss to Enlightenment: My Transformative Journey

Introduction:  We all face moments in life that test our strength and resilience. For me, one such moment was when I had a breakdown so intense that I found myself staring into the mouth of hell. But I didn't succumb to the darkness. Instead, I confronted it, and in doing so, I discovered a strength within myself that I never knew existed.

The Descent:  Life has a way of throwing curveballs, and sometimes, the weight of the world can seem unbearable. I reached a point where I felt overwhelmed, lost, and broken. It was in this dark moment that I stared into the abyss of my own suffering and fears.

The Journey Back:  During this challenging time, I realized that I had a choice. I could allow myself to be consumed by despair, or I could fight my way back. I chose the latter. Through a combination of therapy, self-reflection, and the support of loved ones, I began my ascent from the depths of my despair.

The Transformation:  As I climbed out of the abyss, I found that I had not only survived but emerged as a stronger, more resilient, and spiritually enlightened person. I discovered a profound connection to my inner self, a newfound purpose, and a deep appreciation for the beauty in life.

The Lessons Learned:  The journey from breakdown to enlightenment taught me invaluable lessons about the human spirit. It taught me the importance of self-care, seeking help when needed, and the resilience we all possess deep within ourselves. It also emphasized the significance of gratitude and embracing life's challenges as opportunities for growth.

The New Beginning:  Today, I stand as a living testament to the incredible power of the human spirit to overcome adversity. My experience has reshaped me into a more awesome and spiritually enlightened person than I ever thought possible. It's a journey that continues, and I'm excited to share it with you.

Conclusion: Life's challenges may be daunting, but they can also be transformative. My journey from the depths of despair to enlightenment is proof that we can emerge from our darkest moments stronger and wiser. It's my hope that by sharing my story, I can inspire others to find their inner strength, face their demons, and emerge as better, more enlightened versions of themselves.


Why God Allows Bad Things to Happen: A Test of Forgiveness

In the realm of theology and spirituality, a question that often arises is why a benevolent God would permit bad things to happen in the world. One perspective that seeks to shed light on this complex issue is the idea that God allows adversity and suffering as a means to test our ability to forgive.

1. Personal Growth Through Adversity:
The belief that God allows adversity as a test of forgiveness is based on the notion that facing challenges and hardships is an essential part of human existence. These experiences, though often painful, can be opportunities for personal growth, self-discovery, and the development of our character.

2. Forgiveness as a Virtue:
Forgiveness is a virtue deeply embedded in many religious and spiritual traditions. It is seen as a way to heal wounds, mend broken relationships, and attain inner peace. When we encounter difficult situations and individuals who have wronged us, it is a test of our ability to forgive and transcend feelings of anger, resentment, and revenge.

3. Free Will and Moral Choices:
Central to this perspective is the concept of free will. Many faiths teach that humans possess free will, the ability to make moral choices. Sometimes, these choices lead to actions that cause harm or suffering to others. In such instances, God's role may be to allow the consequences of those choices to unfold, providing opportunities for individuals to practice forgiveness and respond with love and understanding.

4. Theological Lessons:
From a theological standpoint, the idea that God allows adversity as a test of forgiveness can also be viewed as part of a broader plan for spiritual growth and enlightenment. It encourages believers to draw closer to God by emulating His qualities, such as forgiveness and compassion.

5. A Path to Inner Peace:
Forgiveness is not only an act of kindness towards others but also a means to achieve inner peace. By forgiving those who have wronged us, we release the burden of anger and resentment, allowing us to move forward with a lighter heart and a more profound sense of well-being.

In conclusion, the concept that "God allows bad things to happen to test our ability to forgive" is a perspective that emphasizes the importance of forgiveness as a path to personal growth, spiritual development, and inner peace. It encourages individuals to see adversity not as a punishment but as an opportunity to embody the virtues of forgiveness and compassion, ultimately bringing them closer to the divine and fostering a more harmonious world.


Scientific Perspective:

3D Universe:

Dimensions: In physics, the term "3D" refers to the three spatial dimensions we commonly experience: length, width, and height.

Reality Perception: Our everyday experiences occur in this three-dimensional space. Objects have length, width, and height, and we navigate through space using these dimensions.

Time as the Fourth Dimension: In this context, time is often considered the fourth dimension, creating a spacetime continuum.

5D Universe:

String Theory and Extra Dimensions: In some theoretical physics frameworks like string theory, additional spatial dimensions beyond the three we're familiar with are proposed. The term "5D" might be used to refer to a universe with additional compactified dimensions.

Higher Dimensional Realms: Some speculative scientific theories propose the existence of higher-dimensional realms beyond our conventional understanding.


Metaphysical/Spiritual Perspective:

3D Universe:

Material Realm: In spiritual discussions, the 3D universe is often associated with the material or physical realm where we experience solid objects and the limitations of time and space.

Duality and Separation: This perspective might also highlight the dualities and separations inherent in the physical world.

5D Universe:

Higher Consciousness: In spiritual or metaphysical discussions, the concept of a 5D universe can represent a shift in consciousness to a higher vibrational level, transcending the limitations of the 3D material world.

Unity and Oneness: The 5D perspective often emphasizes unity, interconnectedness, and a higher state of consciousness where individuals recognize their oneness with each other and the universe.


Plato's allegory of the cave

Greek philosopher Plato in his work "The Republic." It's a story that serves as an allegory, a narrative that conveys deeper symbolic meanings.

Here's a brief overview of the allegory:

The Cave:

Imagine a dark cave where prisoners have been chained since birth. They are facing the wall and cannot see anything else.

The Shadows:

Behind the prisoners, there is a fire, and between the fire and the prisoners, there are puppeteers who cast shadows on the wall using objects. The prisoners perceive these shadows as reality since they've never seen anything else.


The Escape:

Now, imagine a prisoner is freed and exposed to the outside world. Initially, he is blinded by the sunlight, but gradually he begins to see the true reality outside the cave.


The Return:

The freed prisoner, now enlightened, feels compelled to go back into the cave and share the truth with the other prisoners. However, they resist and find it hard to believe anything beyond the shadows they've always known.



What it is to be naughty

Ever wondered why the word "naughty" can sometimes feel like a mischievous paradox? While commonly associated with playful disobedience, there's a fascinating historical twist to its origins that might just surprise you.

Exploring the Origin: The word "naughty" has evolved over time, originally rooted in the Old English word "nāwiht," which literally means "nothing." Imagine that – the term we often use to describe a bit of misbehavior actually has its linguistic roots in doing nothing at all!

Historical Linguistics Unveiled: As language morphs through centuries, meanings can take unexpected turns. In this linguistic journey, "naughty" started as a descriptor for a lack of action or absence. It wasn't until later that it took on the cheeky connotations we associate with it today.

Playful Language Evolution: Languages are dynamic, and words can playfully evolve, surprising us with layers of meaning. So, next time you use the word "naughty," consider its quirky linguistic journey from denoting inactivity to symbolizing a bit of mischievous fun.

Conclusion: Words are like time capsules, carrying stories of their own evolution. "Naughty" invites us to appreciate the richness of language, reminding us that meanings can be as dynamic and mischievous as the word itself.

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