


There is no such thing as to be lucky or unlucky.

A wise man once said to me "The harder I work the luckier I get"

We don't achieve anything by luck but we have to manifest them.

Luck: By Chance or By Design

Luck: By Chance or By Design Luck is a fascinating aspect of life that has intrigued humanity for centuries. Some believe that luck is purely a matter of chance, a random roll of the cosmic dice, while others argue that luck can be intentionally designed and influenced. This age-old debate offers us insights into our beliefs, attitudes, and actions in the face of uncertainty.

Luck by Chance: "By Chance" proponents argue that luck is entirely random. They believe that life's events, both good and bad, occur without any predictable pattern or design. From winning a lottery to encountering unexpected hardships, it's all a result of random probability. This perspective encourages us to embrace the unpredictability of life and to appreciate the moments of serendipity that can bring joy or challenge.

Luck by Design: On the other hand, "By Design" believers assert that we can shape our own luck to some extent. They argue that through our choices, attitudes, and behaviors, we can increase our odds of success, happiness, and positive outcomes. Strategies like setting goals, cultivating positive thinking, and being prepared can, in their view, help create the conditions for good luck to flourish.

Finding Balance: The truth likely lies somewhere in between these two extremes. While we can't control every aspect of our lives, we can influence some outcomes through our decisions and actions. Recognizing when to embrace the randomness of life and when to actively shape our destiny is a key skill. So, whether you see luck as a roll of the dice or a canvas waiting for your creative strokes, the concept of "Luck: By Chance or By Design" invites you to explore the mysteries of fortune and misfortune and to reflect on how you navigate life's unpredictable journey.

Join us as we delve deeper into this thought-provoking topic and discover practical tips and insights to make the most of the luck that comes your way, whatever your beliefs may be.

This explanation can serve as an introduction to a series of articles, discussions, or content related to luck, chance, and intentionality, providing your website visitors with a thought-provoking and engaging perspective on this intriguing topic.


The world is a Wonderful Place, the universe is even better.

If you spend your time chasing butterflies, they’ll fly away. But if you spend time making a beautiful garden, the butterflies will come to you.

when you focus on improving your self every thing you want will come to you.

We attract based on who we are not what we want.


“You must love yourself before you are truly able to love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are, your simple presence can make others happy.”

"At the core of meaningful connections and genuine relationships lies the profound truth that you must first cultivate a deep sense of love and acceptance for yourself. Loving yourself is not just a prerequisite; it is the foundation upon which authentic connections are built. When you embrace and fully accept who you are, flaws and all, you unlock the transformative power of self-love.


"Without forgiveness you can never go on to greatness"


The Power of Forgiveness: Healing Hearts and Nurturing Relationships


I have Awoken!

My name is Steve.

I have no earthly Teachers or Masters.

My soul is my only Teacher and Master!

"This platform is evolving alongside my spiritual journey, becoming a dynamic space where I document and share the profound insights and transformative experiences that shape my path. Join me on this enriching voyage of self-discovery and spiritual growth as we explore the depths of consciousness together."

"My convictions transcend the contemporary and eschew the 'new age,' reaching back to an epoch so ancient that its echoes have faded from our collective memory. In embracing the wisdom of a forgotten era, my beliefs resonate with a timeless essence, offering a profound connection to a heritage we have long overlooked."

"They fear love because it creates a world they can't control." - George Orwell

"No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell."- Carl Gustav Jung

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.” - Henry David Thoreau

"Alice says: "Do you think I've gone 'round the bend?"
     Alice's father tells her: "I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.""
-from the 2010 film "Alice in Wonderland" directed by Tim Burton

This universe is your universe.

We are all too aware we are living in a world that is akin to what George Orwell warned us about in his book 1984. but more frightening is the warning to our society by Aldous Huxley.

"Brave New World," written by Aldous Huxley, is a dystopian novel that explores the consequences of a society obsessed with pleasure, technological control, and conformity. Set in a future world where advanced technology and genetic engineering have created a seemingly perfect, yet soulless, civilization, the story follows characters grappling with the loss of individuality and spiritual depth in exchange for a utopian facade. Huxley's masterpiece serves as a cautionary tale, inviting readers to reflect on the potential pitfalls of sacrificing spiritual awareness and human connection for a society driven by superficial pleasures and mass conformity. Through its thought-provoking narrative, "Brave New World" challenges us to consider the importance of preserving our spiritual essence in the face of technological advancement and societal pressures.

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