The Anti Political Party Non-Party.


Aims and Precepts.

To promote love and happiness

To Believe that everyone in society has worth, and to believe in themselves.

To encourage free thinking and innovation.

To banish all political parties and allow all MP to truly represent the people who elected them.


Political structure

To stand for election each candidate must achieve a minimum of 100 nominations and have no affiliation to any political party whatsoever.

During campaigning no candidate is allowed to spend any of their own funds or of any donation except for that of the grant from the state. All candidates will be allowed the same media time as each other.

Any lying or deception done to gain an advantage will be dealt severely with elimination and a custodial sentence.

Once elected they must represent their own constituency in its totality.

The prime minister and the cabinet will be elected from the floor of the house, so they truly represent the entire county, not a privileged few from the corridors of power.

No prime minister or cabinet member can do a term of more than 10 years.

A fixed election day every 5 years.



Defence will be exactly that and emphasis will be on technological methods.





Should be made compulsory until 21 in some format or another.

School leaving age reduced to 14, so non academics can start earning money at an earlier age but join some apprentice scheme.

Education will be appropriate to the individual and will always lead to work placements.


Everyone will be encouraged to question what they are taught and not take it word for word as presented.

Everyone will be encouraged that the world is the limit, and they can achieve amazing feats if they so desire.



Foreign Policy



Closer ties will be sought with out closet neighbours especially closer ties again with the EU.

No support will be offered to any country that attacks and civilians or promotes fear either withing their own population or with their neighbours.

Help will only be offered to countries in the form of defensive weapon that cannot every be used in an offensive way.



Health Care

The key here is to look at more preventative measures.

Encourage more healthy activities more outside activities more adventure.


Tax reliefs on some of the healthier options will get tax breaks whereas options such as poor eating habits will be taxed at a higher rate to discourage them this money then can go into the health surface to treat people who don't look after themselves.


Greater funding at looking at prevention of illnesses.  aiming to reduce the need of artificial drug that are to cure what should already be curable or preventable.




The job tax that is income tax ads National Insurance will be abolished this will make it easier for employment easier for employers take away burdens I'll encourage a wider range of employment options.

Corporation tax can be reduced if not eliminated and many other duties to be illuminated.

The main taxation will lie with VAT currently at 20% this will vary much greater with more new bands coming into place anything unhealthy or very luxurious will command the highest VAT rates maybe even 100% or more.


This will make collection of tax easier, and it will prevent corporations who are evading UK tax by being based elsewhere having to pay VAT on their sales in the UK surf it's sold in the UK it's taxed in the UK.

Because of the reduction of corporation tax this will mean the job market will be very vibrant there will need to be a restriction on foreign corporations been based in the UK and we can pick and choose to suit the British economy best.



Social and welfare


Everyone will get a fixed payment £10,000 per year or a figure deemed to meet all basic requirements, paid at a weekly rate this will be linked to inflation because of this there will be no other welfare payments there will be no burden on deciding who gets it or doesn't so it takes away the stress for the poorest and the most vulnerable in the community because they know they have a base level that they can fall back on this figure needs to be reviewed so is it matches our basic needs who housing ends food and clothing.


This won't be means tested because someone would have to this side at what point is the cut off neither will this discourage people from working as taking work will not be in any way detrimental to getting this payment.


Minimum wage will be abolished as currently it may protect some it is also keeping others in a poverty trap by creating a ceiling rather than the base.

Minimum wage does not take into accounts the people in society you cannot justify being paid at that rate under currently deemed by society as worthless.




Immigration will be allowed at a rate that the can be successful assimilated into the population with our causing discrimination.

All immigrants will have no free access for health care or the £10000 allowance for the first 10 years thereafter for each year for the next 10 years they receive 10% increase in the state benefits. A paid government health care policy will be compulsory for them and their family.


Crime and punishment.


Reintroduction of corporal punishment to be used as a deterrent and reduce the use of prisons as a university of crime.


Emphasises will be put on improving communities especially by having school teach free thinking and encourage everyone to love each other and not live in fear.